Friday, August 12, 2011

Stupid dog. Or brilliant one?

When one hears a crash at 1:20 AM in her kitchen, instantaneous heart rate increase occurs, which makes it difficult to not freak out.  As I lie there, not moving but getting a cardio work out nonetheless, I wondered why my Golden, named Jersey wasn't barking her head off. As I slowly gained vision in my tired eyes, I realized Jersey was into something.  Now mind you, this isn't the first time this realization has hit me and my gut instinct is usually spot on.

As I rounded the corner into the kitchen and flip on the big light, I see this dog with her snout buried into my brand new jar of peanut butter.  She ran like the dickens as soon as I set foot in the kitchen, but I could still hear her chops sticking together from her desire to down the peanut butter jar in minutes, knowing I would soon be appearing.

I picked up the jar, put the lid back on, went back to bed, ticked off of course knowing that peanut butter was now "dog pill peanut butter" but then was baffled as to how in the world the lid came off.  Assuming it was my fault for not tightening it, I took the blame.  But then I thought back and knew I had put it back on so couldn't quite grasp how this stupid dog got it off. Another reason for hidden cameras in my house.

Needless to say, I couldn't get back to sleep. I felt pretty mean and took the water away from her saying, "You got yourself into this mess, you can get yourself out."  But then gave in when I could only hear the sound that drives me crazy (think of someone with a mouth full of peanut butter trying to swallow without milk or water and add a bunch of smacking noises and you have the sound I despise).  This led to having to take the dog out three additional times after this event. Sigh. The dog is cute and kind or she would be gone.  Can't wait to see what adventures today will bring with a tired mama and a peanut butter-filled dog.

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