Thursday, August 11, 2011

Morning rituals.

I so wish I was more of a morning person.  I think I could be given the right circumstances (like living in a place where the mountains are on one side of me and the ocean on the other) I wouldn't mind getting up at the buttcrack of dawn and enjoying the quiet moments that are few and far between in my world.

Summer will definitely be hard to come out of next week.  My girls have been given my "love" of mornings, too so it will probably be ugly around here for a few weeks.  What cracks me up is Thing 2 in the morning.  First off, she still sleeps with me and probably will for the rest of her life at this rate.  I'm okay with it, although there are moments, like this morning, when I realized I literally had six inches of the queen bed simply because she was once again, on top of me or my shoulder or my back if it's turned toward her.  She has this need to always touch me at night and know I've not gone anywhere, which is enduring, yet annoying. But I digress.

When I try to sneak out of bed, it's like a sound goes off in Thing 2's head and she instantly sits up, looks at me, smiles (love this so much) and says, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, please."  I turn on the tv to Mickey and then I can escape while she watches or goes back to sleep.  It has become ritual, which isn't a bad one considering I have to get ready for work and need something to entertain her so she isn't in the shower with me, too.

Thing 1 on the other hand....she's snoozing away.  I believe the tweener is almost alive in her as she now hates to get up in the mornings and she was the only existing member of this household who would rise and shine without grumbling.  Now, not so much.  I believe she will be the most effected by the week ahead of us where I go back to work and she will head to school.

My ritual?  Simply doing what it takes to get from Point A to Point B on time with all children in tow. And now, I'm ready to go back to bed after being awake for two hours.  Ah, shall be an interesting transition!

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