Sunday, August 21, 2011

Letting go of control paid off!

I have an issue with not being in control of situations.  It's basically a curse from my younger years and it is still pretty strong. I come by it naturally since when I was molested as a child, I vowed that I would NEVER let myself be in a situation where I was the one being controlled instead of in control.  Obviously, that doesn't work in every situation, but it was what pushed me to be the control freak I am now.

I'd like to think I don't control my children's every move in life, but I'm sure I do more than necessary.  One of those situations was of course, posted about a few weeks back regarding Thing 2's refusal to go on the potty.  I gave up control and decided I totally didn't care if she was potty trained, and truly, I didn't.  I didn't bother asking her or putting her on the toilet or even showing any interest. It was rather freeing.

Fast forward to this week when she decided she wanted to be potty trained.  And guess what?  The day she decided, she was trained.  She hasn't even wet in her sleep the last two nights.  And she even pooped in the potty chair yesterday, which was a quick lesson for me on how much dogs love kid poop (or any poop for that matter) when Jersey had it sucked up and swallowed by the time Thing 2 could proudly show me her creation.  After gagging like crazy, I finally believe I talked her into trying the big toilet for those kind of creations.

This was a good lesson for me.  Not the dog eating the poop, but Thing 2 being able to control her own potty destiny. It reminded me how often I try to take control from God in my life and how it has been a constant battle for me to allow Him to control things.  I don't even like to be a passenger in anyone's car!  But my prayer is that each day God will break down those barriers I've built and will convince me once and for all, that He's a safe and superb driver.

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