Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dear God.....

I try to instill in my munchkins a love for God and a respect for the things we have in this world as a gift from Him.  Thus, we pray before meals as often as possible (it would be a lie to say we always did, but we're trying).   Thing 2 is now talking quite a bit at the ripe old age of 3 and she really likes to repeat the prayers we do as a family.  It's rather cute, I must admit and very heartwarming to hear those little voices thanking God and asking for forgiveness.

Before I tell you the prayer, let me fill you in on our day. It was an amazing day outside, so I figured it was time we took the pool down since it had now become a fluorescent green color from the algae growing on the bottom since we hadn't run the filter nor put chemicals in for a week AND I left the cover off while we were in Omaha.  In addition, there was yard work that needed to be done (have I mentioned the deep hatred I have for lawn work after doing it alone for 20 years?).  So, the girls rolled up their sleeves, literally, and helped me scrape the algae (clothes are now soaking in OxyClean simply because they couldn't just stand in the pool---both had to eventually fall into the pool filled with algae), empty the pool and rinse things off.

Following that we trimmed ferns.  On top of hating lawn work, I hate ferns and the families before me in this house obviously loved them.  So, I cut the suckers off.  The girls were responsible for picking up the cut ferns, which they did while singing and acting out parts of The Diamond Castle, a Barbie movie where the two main characters raise flowers for income.  Quite comical for me to listen to as I worked like a diehard.  In the midst of it all, my Golden Retriever Jersey caught a very small bunny and in one bite, killed it, complete with the removal of its eyeball with that bite (only pointed out by Thing 1 who freaked out at this point.)  In the midst of the fern cutting, I found the dead rabbit's brother or sister who began running from us and ran right off a five foot drop onto the concrete.  I presume it will either be a major brain damaged rabbit if it survives or it won't survive the night, but once again, Thing 1 freaked out worried about it so I picked it up gently with glove on hand and placed it near its nest.  In the meantime, Jersey was going crazy trying to get yet another rabbit to so proudly bring to me with eyeball askew.

So, to the prayer.  After bathing the bejeebers out of the girls and putting their green stained clothes in OxyClean, I made supper. Thing 1 led the prayer tonight and this was it:

"Dear God.  Thank you for our cute, sexy mom who made this supper for us.  Forgive us for killing two of your baby bunnies.  Please watch over our family and friends.  We love you. Amen."  The best part....hearing Thing 2 trying to say cute, sexy mom......lol.....

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