Friday, January 13, 2012

Sometimes I think too much.....

Being a people pleaser sux.  Or blows,  or whatever the lingo that conveys how I get into these ruts where I am trying to please others when I write instead of writing the things I know. I am a perfectionist by nature, although you wouldn't always know it by looking at my cluttered desk/classroom and my cluttered household.  So, when I do things, like write, or take photos, or teach and yes, I put too many commas in this sentence on purpose, not that most people would notice anyway, and by most people I mean the 18 of you who follow me and by 18 I really mean maybe two who read past the first line of the blog, but I digress.....I'm going to write about my life. I thought I would use this blog as a stepping stone to the spiritual direction because since I was a wee child of 20ish, I've always figured I'd do two things in my life (besides being a mom and a teacher):  I'd author a devotional book that would be cool to read....realistic and appealing to varied ages and I'd also be a motivational speaker of sorts (without having to live in a van down by the river...oh Farley, I miss you!)   So, when starting the blog, it was mostly in rebellion against facebook and the issues I have with that place but it was also as a potential start to my future devotional.

Not gonna happen.  I don't feel spiritual.  In fact, I feel bloated right now.  And that my friends, is real life and that is going to be my future blog posts.  With Thing 1 and Thing 2 along with the furry things who cost more in medical than my kids do, combined with teaching middle school kids....I might enjoy being able to just spout off.   So, I will.  But now, I hear girls screaming, the shower starting and various thuds.  I don't even want to know.

1 comment:

  1. Keep the writing coming dear one. (I noticed the superfluous commas... go crazy.)
