Monday, September 5, 2011

I got nothing. Awesome!

So, no poop on the pee on the floor.....laundry is almost done....lessons are planned out for the month.  I'm actually cooking supper tonight and Thing 1 is wielding a knife through some fresh garden veggies so I can roast them for the week.  Thing 2 is on the floor putting together puzzles that are much too easy for her, but she is busy and quiet for the moment. Do I dare say it?  Life is uneventful at this particular moment and no, I'm not trying to jinx it, just savoring the moment.  I am reminded quite quickly that when that alarm goes off at 5:45 AM life will shift into high gear and we'll be off an running to my first IEP meeting of the year, piano lessons and quite possibly more.

I've decided my children are home bodies, like their mom.  We will venture out to Mitchell on occasion and maybe to Woonsocket if Mom is around, but it's so evident they love to be at home with me doing their things, which consist of playing Barbies and Calico Critters and crafts and watching movies.  Yesterday as we were returning to Sioux Falls, I asked the girls if they wanted to go out to Lifelight.  We haven't gone for a few years as I'm so not a concert going person, usually because of cost, but this is free.  So, last time we went, the girls were smaller and it was hot, windy and not a fun experience.  But I thought, maybe this is the year as they both are into Christian music and can sing the lyrics to lots of the songs.  Thing 1's first question: "How many people are going to be there?"  When I answered back probably 100,000 or so, she said, "Let's just go home."  My thoughts exactly, but I didn't want her to feel like she was missing out on things in life that might be important.  I don't necessarily see how attending a music festival with 100,000 others would qualify as an important thing in her life, until maybe she is in middle school and she can run around with her friends.  It was fascinating to me, though, to see how my preference at the end of a day is to be home and have no plans.  It has become theirs, too.  Nature or nurture?  Hmmm....

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