Sunday, September 11, 2011

Explaining Evil

Today is September 11, 2011.  Ten years ago our world was changed with the decisions of a few terrorists to attack the USA. Although I remember it vividly like it was yesterday, my main thoughts today were on explaining what evil is to my daughters. Wouldn't it be amazing if we didn't have to ponder that?

It's hard to miss the coverage that was everywhere this week. Thing 1 watched one of the documentaries I had on about the second plane that crashed into the towers and then I watched the Heroes of the 88th Floor.  I was careful to watch ones that weren't too graphic and these were fine in that realm of things.  But the obvious tragedy was hard to explain.

Thing 1 watched and wondered what kind of movie this was. When I told her it wasn't a movie, but it was something that happened in real life in the US, she just stared at me.  "Why would anyone crash a plane on purpose?"

"Well, I'm not completely sure, but they mostly wanted to hurt America and they did. Innocent people died in large amounts that day."

After a little silence she then asked, "What did God think?"

I just sat there. Then said, "God probably thought this is what evil looks like."

The conversation continued for a little bit on the whole idea of evil and what it is.  Is evil that mean little boy at the playground or does it have to be something big like a plane crash?  Is evil as simple as kicking a dog or swerving to hit a squirrel, or is it driving drunk?  Are we ever evil or is it simply human sinfulness?

I will never forget the moments as I watched 9-11 unfold. Dad had died only four months before and I was still struggling with the freshness of missing him when this happened.  All that came to mind was how many people were going to be feeling like I felt (extreme grief) after that day of tragedy.  I wondered what Dad was thinking in Heaven as he saw all of the various people entering at once.  Weird, I know, but I thought it.  And then I reminded myself that we are in a world that is basically run by evil in many ways and I needed to strive to stand up to any of the evil I face daily, and most importantly, I need to try not to be the one bringing the evil in.

The words that echo in my mind today were ones of a mother whose son was on the second plane that crashed. She said, "Every time I see that video, I see my son's death."  How incredibly sad, horrifying and needless.  May God bless those who will forever have this day stained in their hearts.

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