Sunday, June 23, 2013

This video cracked me up.  I can't begin to tell you how many times I've had to answer the same type of question for my children.  Add to that question the whole, "Are they real sisters?" and we have summed up a small plight of the Asian race in an area with an incredibly small Asian population.

My children are growing.  And before you call me Captain Obvious, I will admit to that statement being virtually unnecessary.  But even this week as my girls were playing with some new friends, the smaller kids of the group were doing the typical, "Where are you from?" to the girls.  Then the next step, the one I hate, "Why are your eyes like this (said while pulling back sides of eyes)?"  Now, to give my girls credit, it seems like Thing 1 has gotten to the point of ignoring these kinds of questions or answering politely.  Thing 2 hasn't really been exposed to it much and as she is about to enter kindergarten, I have more preparedness I guess to handle it when she comes home to tell me the kids are chasing her around the playground pulling back their eyes and making fun of her.  Or maybe she'll be the one who just decks them.  There's a 50/50 chance right there folks.  Although, as wild as she is at home, she's pretty much a marshmallow in public so who knows.

I know this isn't much of a return to the blogosphere that is going to make you do cartwheels and say, "Yippee, she's back!" but this just kind of hit me and I think that's what this blog is about....things that hit me.  Well, not literally hit me because I'd have to deck them.  There's 100 percent chance of that right there, folks.  ;o)

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