Christmas 2011 is history. I know because there are piles everywhere needing to find a home because new things have inhabited the island of Cummins. The girls were blessed once again with Barbies and Calico Critters to play with and lots of new clothes from their cousins and aunt so they don't have to go to school naked or in clothes that no longer fit them. All in all it was a great holiday for them and one that has brought forth some changes ahead.
Tis the season of goal setting. I'm not a huge goal setter simply because I can't stand failing and it seems like when I set them, it requires following through and although I follow through on most of the tasks in my life, there are two little creatures in my world (well four if you count the furry ones) that I can honestly not control. Control tends to be an issue for me, but that's a whole other post. Back to the whole goals thing. I consider New Years another day, mostly because my year runs basically from August to August. When school ends, the year ends and when school starts, it's New Year's for me. I have large goals and plans and usually they crash about three weeks into the school year. Suddenly, the whole "I'm going to be sure to take attendance immediately every class period" goes by the wayside and if I get to it, hurrah, and if I don't, well, shame on me. Something I've noticed since school has begun is there are two creatures in my world becoming sloths. Yes, sloths. And so is their mom for that matter. Sloths aren't pretty and aren't necessarily nice. Not only that, but they represent lazy. That is where I get to yell, "Bingo!" because you've just identified my family.
Tonight I just finished two major things. One is my monthly budget. I MUST return to the Dave Ramsey method of using cash envelopes and that entails lots of preplanning. So, come Jan 1, I will be returning to that method and hoping to be able to stay on track whereas to not go past my income level each month. As it appears, I can do it, with $10 to spare a month.....whoohoooo......look at me go with the speed of a sloth, but at least it's forward....
The other task completed was my children's responsibility charts. I do believe I have good kids. I also believe they're both con artists and can sneak out of doing work every single cotton pickin' day. We're talking simple things really, like brushing your teeth before bed or showering every other day. Seriously? Yep. Seriously. I suppose I was similar when I was that age, which maybe gives me more incentive to fix the issue before I see the tail of the sloth forming a permanent residency on my children's behinds. So, the responsibility charts are hanging in the bathroom and have been discussed. Even the three year old has smiley faces and sad faces to circle daily for her chores. We'll see how it goes. Once again, it's a goal.
For me.....well, plenty of them. Be a better mom. Be a better teacher. Get lesson plans done a month in advance. Stay on top of finances. Love God more and absorb his Word for guidance more. Get healthy. Drink more wine. (Well, you have to throw in one that is easily attainable or you give up.)
And now, I must go close the Barbie Glamour Vacation Jet which was a huge hit and turn off the Mobigo computer my three year old is playing IN HER OWN BED....who thought I would type those words before June.....and then hit the hay and dream of all the great things that will come from these recent revelations I refer to as goals, not resolutions. Hate resolutions. They always strike me as giving up of something, whereas goals represent adding something. Plus resolutions remind of New Year's Eve and that reminds me of the fact that I'm so old I haven't seen a ball drop in years and my typical date that night is Dick Clark. My midnight kiss usually comes from a golden retriever needing to go potty. Bring on 2012.
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