Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Eclectic Day.....

My mind is a wandering one.  Sleep doesn't come easily when I've got a full mind, which is where writing comes in handy, but again, in order to complete that task in my household, it would require being able to hold a flashlight and write at the same time since a three year old sleeps next to me, clinging fearfully to my flesh most of the night.  Yeah, that's a whole other blog post.  Anyway, my mind is eclectic and my day has proven to be the same so figured I'd allow a glimpse into what that means.

The day began with a 9 year old yelling at me that I didn't allow her enough time to sleep. She was serious, as was I when I said, "You will be late for school and it's not because I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, so move it, buttercup." Begrudgingly, she got up still blaming me that she had just got in bed and it was time to wake up.  Not sure what she thought those nine hours were in between, but I find it fun to watch children learn things and figure things out. Thing 1 is usually much quicker than she proved this morning. 

At school the dreaded psycho parent has made her appearance.  Although it appears she isn't aiming quite at me yet, I know inevitably I will be a target and a big one at that.  It is unnerving to deal with parents who blame teachers for things and who listen to one side of every story assuming the worst in regard to the professional who simply wants to help her child. My mind was menaced by thoughts of this upcoming encounter which doesn't get any easier after 20 years of them. 

During class as we're starting vocabulary, I have the students tell me what word they were assigned to be an expert at (in other words, which one they will teach us about).  As I called a girl's name, I asked what word she had. She quickly said, "Slut."  I hear giggles and gasping from the popular side of the room.  Then of course, there is always Mr. Clown who bursts out with, "What did you just say? Did you just say...." To which I quickly attempt to regain control by saying, "Umm, look again at that word."  She blushes and says, "Sulk, not slut." The giggling continues as I glare toward The Cheerleader and as Mr. Clown begins to form a word, I immediately call the next name.  Needless to say, I felt sorry for the kid, although I had to admit, it was rather funny. 

Following this encounter I go to the administration building for an English department meeting for the middle school teachers. It was okay and it was also at this point that I realized I'm a free book whore.  There were a pile of books to be given away free that were newly published ones and I sat staring at them trying to figure out how I could snag a few of them. At the end of the meeting, the owner of said books offers them to anyone who is in their first five years of teaching. What?!!!!  To myself I knew there would be a way to get a book out of this deal so I walked up front with a rookie from our school and helped her choose a free book, knowing that sooner or later, the owner will give in and see these rookies aren't going to take more than one or two and there were probably 40 of them.  My ears perked up and my heart practically skipped a beat when she said, "Anyone else who wants books, go ahead and grab one."  As I was grabbing books, I saw some others had four so my competitive spirit kicked in and I grabbed five.  Winner.  No clue if any of them are good. No clue if they're appropriate for 7th graders yet.  Don't care.  Free. Books. Free anything to a teacher is better than sex.  I think. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Leavin' on a jet plane....

Tis the season. The season the Toys R Us Big Book of Toys arrives.  The season where every single day my mailbox has some sort of toy catalog in it. The season my daughters who normally aren't majorly greedy individuals suddenly become fiends for the new commercials that are appropriately placed on Disney and Nickelodeon. And of course, it comes the time when I have to decide upon a budget for Christmas gifts and remember to stick to it since the "wants" outweigh the "money" to pay.

This brings me to my first seasonal dilemma. Thing 1 decided she wanted to buy the Barbie Glamour Vacation Jet with three dolls. She saw it on tv.  She's been looking at it for a couple of years since Barbie has invaded the house. This was the year she asked for it.  Like a good 21st Century Mom, I went to Amazon to check on reviews for said jet.  They were terrible. Everything from overpriced (to which I agree) to flimsy material to it never stays together to "I'm still finding parts to it and I sold it at a rummage sale months ago."  I didn't feel right making a purchase that would pretty much exhaust Thing 1's entire Christmas budget when the reviews were like that. So, I asked her to the computer one day and asked her to read the reviews.  She did as asked and said, "I still want it."  Being the level-headed mom I am, I said, "Sleep on it for three days and if you still want it, we'll leave it on the list."

Morning one arrived.  Thing 1 was barely out of her bed when she said, "I slept on it and I still want it."

Morning two arrived. Thing 1 woke up and said, "I slept again on it. I still want it."  I countered her reply with, "You do realize if you get this that Thing 2 will have more presents to open than you will."  Silence.  Thing 1 walked away and I smirked thinking I was making progress.

Morning three arrived. "Mom, I want the jet. I know it's a big present and it has bad reviews but I think it will be my favorite toy ever."

That day I went to the website for ToysrUs and ordered it.  I have no clue if it will be a good investment. I have a pretty good idea that when Thing 2 is opening more toys, Thing 1 will be slightly hurt and upset, but will fake it and pretend it doesn't bother her.  But I remember wanting certain things for Christmas that I look back on and wonder why I wasted my time wanting them.  Some broke the night of Christmas Eve.  Some were so pathetic they were never touched again after Christmas Eve.  But the point is, I got what I asked for regardless of anything else (no, there were no Amazon reviews when I was growing up).  I think that meant more to me than weighing out the bad parts of the purchase.

So, the jet has already arrived (two days after purchasing it) and there is no turning back now.  Here's hoping for a halfway surprised Thing 1 and a durable, fun-filled toy pink jet with its own jacuzzi and karaoke area. Ken and Barbie will never be alone in there unsupervised though. It's a rule in this house.